Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn is finally here for the Nintendo 3DS, and let me tell you now, you’re going to be hit with a lot of nostalgia. When you start the game, you’re hit with classic Kirby sounds that came from the original Wii version that was released in 2010/2011 and I was overcome with so much joy. Of course, the story of how everything went down with Prince Fluff happened and you obviously have to try and patch it all together, (no pun intended).
In this version of Epic Yarn, we are given some brand new abilities to help us through the game and to give it its own little twist to the story. The new abilities definitely help with getting some treasure items in levels that are normally harder to get without in the original Wii game, but, that being said, it’s still hard to get treasure items WITH abilities. In levels, Prince Fluff will come along and either give you an ability power-up, or a Star Bead to help you to get a little closer to that gold medal at the end of a level.
Another thing we have to talk about is of co-op mode. In the original, Player 2 would play as Prince Fluff and help Kirby go through each level. Obviously there is no co-op mode in Extra Epic Mode, and it’s perfectly ok like that. There is just so much going on that you don’t need it, and besides, you have Prince Fluff to help you through the levels anyway, even if it is just for a short amount of time.
Some abilities in the game work really well, and some aren’t my favourite, but have such amazing designs that I can’t possibly dislike. The Knitting Needle, Wire and Nylon are my absolute favourite. They just feel easy to use and in my run through with the game, I haven’t had much problem with them. The ones I’m not 100% on board with are Stitch and Button, as Stitch itself shoots out three little pins and sometimes, it can be hard to grab things such as a Treasure Chest/Patch to help you collect your furniture items, and if you have the Button ability equiped, if you’d like bombs flying everywhere, this ability is for you. The Stitch and Button ability overall are helpful in some aspects, but a lot of the time, it just depends on preference and you can basically use any type of ability to help you get through the levels if you’ve found one you like.

Another major thing with Kirby’s Epic Yarn on the Wii was the motion controls. Kirby, in some levels throughout the game, would be able to transform into things such as a Firetruck or a Mole, and you’d have to turn your Wii-mote to help guide Kirby through that section of the level. Let me tell you now, there is no motion controls, even though the 3DS does support it, I’m very glad they didn’t put it in. Most of Kirby’s transformations work with the buttons they used to replace them instead of motion controls, instead of Fire Engine and Train. The Fire Engine transformations L and R buttons are the most awkward controls I have experienced. You’ll understand what I mean when it comes to that section of the game, as well as the Train transformation.
Down below, you’ll be able to see what buttons the transformations now use and see if they have changed at all compared to the Wii version.
Fire Engine now uses the L and R buttons.
Digger still uses B button.
Tank uses Circle Pad to move, A and B to jump/shoot.
Penguin/Glide uses A/B buttons.
Train uses Circle Pad to navigate, B button to flip.
Rocket is Circle/D Pad, B to shoot.
Saucer uses Circle Pad, A/B Buttons.
Submarine uses Circle Pad/D Pad, A/B Buttons.
Off Roader uses A/B Buttons.
Rocket uses Circle Pad, A/B buttons.

amiibo functionality is another big thing in this game. You’re able to use any of the Kirby series amiibo which provides Kirby with a neat little hat that resembles features of the amiibo figure you used. Each amiibo uses a different ability but I’m not going to give anything away so you’re going to have to find out yourself.

Everyone knows that in Kirby’s Epic Yarn that you collect treasure items which are pieces of furniture/music, which can be put into your flat which is found in Quality Square. You’re also able to buy other pieces of furniture and fabric both stores to help you finish your collection, if you’re one of those people who like to collect 100%, aka me. Within Kirby’s Flat, of course, you’re greeted by the default room just like the Wii version, with Dom Woole explaining everything that goes down with the room and tutorials. But, there’s a new twist! In the 3DS version, as there are dual screens, it makes designing your flat much easier. Everything that you need to be able to change in Kirby’s Flat is on the touch screen.
With everything being more accessible, you’re also able to see a thing called “Model Rooms” on the touch screen, which is a whole bunch of default rooms, just like in the previous Wii version, to help give you inspiration to decorate your flat, but, you can flick through them easier by clicking No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 on the touch screen. Also, if you’re in the model rooms, and you see something you really want, you can click “Catalogue” and buy whatever you’re missing with the beads you have collected throughout the game. Designing Kirby’s Flat was definitely one of my favourite things in Kirby’s Epic Yarn, and I’m happy that they have made everything much easier to navigate around.
StreetPass in the game just adds to the fact you’re able to exchange rooms with people you meet via the function, which you don’t have to do, but it is a nice little feature.

Devilish Mode was a brand new feature a lot of people were excited about. Basically, a “Devil” like creature, which comes in different forms depending which level you are in, follows you throughout the levels and to give some sort of overall hardness to the game, I suppose. If you’re hit in the level in Devilish Mode, you lose health, which is a big deal as in the main game, Kirby doesn’t die, which a lot of people thought made the game too easy, or too kid friendly. If you’re hoping to collect everything within the game, then have fun, because if you don’t get hit in this mode, then you get other unlock able pieces that you won’t find in the normal levels or in the shops back in Quality Square. The mode gives a little bit more of a challenge, as if you’re hit once, you lose all ability to unlock the other treasures found at the end of the level to complete your 100% collection.

Now, the mini-games are another brand new feature which was shown in the original trailer. There are two different types of mini games. There’s Dedede Gogogo and Meta Knight’s Slash & Bead. Each mini game has 4 levels, which if you get a certain type of certification, you get these things called “Mats” at the end of the level. “Mats” and Fuse Beads, which are also found within the levels, help you craft specific items to help you fill up your gallery in Quality Square/Patch Plaza.
In Dedede Gogogo, you have to collect Fuse Beads as you make your way through the level to your goal. There are time limits in each level, so you can try and beat your score and time each time you go through this fun mini game.
In Meta Knight’s Slash & Bead, you collect Fuse Beads and defeat as many enemies as you can as you finish the level. Just like Dedede Gogogo, you have to try and beat your score.

As you can tell, there are a lot of brand new features in the 3DS version compared to the Wii version, which make the game more enjoyable. People who are new to this game and people who have played this before will both equally enjoy this game. The music still holds up to this day, the surprisingly clean graphics on the 3DS screens don’t hurt your eyes, the accessible functions and everything else in between makes this a Kirby game fun for any fan.
With Kirby's Epic Yarn being my favourite Kirby game in the series, I think Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn is better than the original as it brings more excitement and overall freshness.